Yucca Valley Chamber Of Commerce

Yucca Valley is a high desert town located in the Mojave Desert, within a 30 minute drive from downtown Palm Springs. Discover Yucca Valley’s scenic desert landscapes, clean air and small town appeal, which make it a great place to shop, work, live, play & eat.

Whether your interests tend toward nature and outdoor adventures, art and culture, or history and heritage, YUCCA VALLEY and it’s surroundings offer a wide variety of entertaining options to explore. Experience the desert’s incomparable beauty, colorful history, and creative communities.
Arial View of Yucca Valley

Our Mission

The Yucca Valley Chamber of Commerce serves business and organizations in the Yucca Valley / Joshua Tree National Park area. Our mission is to promote a healthy, thriving business environment; to partner with the public and private sector; to provide leadership for our business community while enhancing Yucca Valley's quality of life.
Shop Yucca Valley First Red Bag

Upcoming Events

Yucca Valley Christmas Chamber Mixer
FEB. 20 MIXER CMC Adult Education Program, Yucca Valley TOWN CENTER MALL 57725 Twentynine Palms Highway, Suite 210

MAR. 20 Leads Lunch Location TBA

APR. 17 MIXER Location TBA

MAY 15 Leads Lunch Location TBA

MAY 23-25 Grubstake Days

JUN. 19 MIXER Location TBA
Events Fireworks


Member Directory

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Sponsorships and Advertising Opportunities!
Yucca Valley Chamber Of Commerce Bottom Logo
56711 29 Palms Hwy.
Yucca Valley, CA 92284

Phone: 760-365-6323

Email: yuccachamber@gmail.com

Open Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.